Catsky WorkStreams
WorkStreams are the Catsky version of a “RoadMap”. No dates, no expectations – just whats happening
Active WorkStreams
Find out what the Catsky team is currently purr-suing.
Etsy Store + Community Involvement Involve and Enrich our growing community
A community-furnished Etsy store selling Catsky community created products, with revenue used for management, token operations, and rewards.
Website & Discord AI ChatBot Service Provide valuable and innovative products to the crypto space.
An AI chatbot service for crypto projects, involving community in development. Revenues are used for token operations and community rewards.
CMC and CoinGecko Applications Make it easier for people to find Catsky & increase project Legitimacy
Minswap Yield Farm Grow our liquidity to attract whales and reduce slippage
Future WorkStreams
Nothing we list here is guaranteed to be pursued, but here is some other stuff were looking into.
Expand to other DEXs Expand $CATSKY throughout the ecosystem
Catsky and CatNip Staking? Reward users for holding and reduce selling pressure
Cat Facts? We know you want to send people cat facts and want to make that a reality
Looking to get involved with Catsky?
Introduce yourself in the Catsky discord and let us know you what your interested in.