$CATSKY Tokenomics & Distribution

Upon Creation that fateful day, April 24th, 2023, Macroman distributed tokens by sending to anyone and everyone who was remotely interested on Twitter – For Free – keeping 60B tokens (6% of supply)

He then added 300B tokens to liquidity then sent them to the $CardanoBurn burn wallet as you can see here on cardanoscan.

Supply: 1000B = 1 Trillion Tokens

Inflation? Hell NO. Catsky is a Deflationary MemeAI Token. All tokens are in the wild.

With all sources of income to the project, a portion will be used to BuyBack CATSKY to be Zapped into Liquidity Pools and Burned in the $CardanoBurn Wallet just like we did before

This locks value into the token rewarding our supporters and assets holders.

Team Wallets
  • $catsky.catsky

  • $macroman.catsky


$CATSKY 15,892,999,862






$CATSKY Project Assets

Links & info for any Catsky project or partner project tokens.

The Catsky Og Nft Min
Token $Catsky

Policy ID: 9b426921a21f54600711da0be1a12b026703a9bd8eb9848d08c9d921

Nft Drop
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Catsky Og Nft Nftfuckup
Catsky NFT Catsky OG

Policy ID: 6f5d880ec1746a32afc1f4fb53ad7ec1e214f49f53f1175c424b1200

Catsky LP Minswap LP Token

Policy ID: 279129a046909fa0bc448cf5e165bc204a5ac794

Waldo Catsky Min
Partner NFT Cardano Space Where’s Waldo

Policy ID: dd589bbcfa48c9a133a22e205da33a5d07ef79dac1f8d5d8067b1004